Wednesday, April 09, 2008

In Sleep What Dreams?

Wednesday off because of the parliamentary elections and last night Thumper and I had a chat and maybe worked out some of the noise issues. He was certainly much more quiet. He agreed to a real effort after 10 at night and I discovered that the early AM thing is something like PTSD caused bad dreams. He outlined a little bit of the bad luck he’s had, including the ‘gruesome’ death of his first wife. So, not much we can do about that, and I agreed that I’d just have to put up with it. I’m still going to try to get into that smaller, but better deal apartment up the hill, but this might help me get through the next 4 months to that point.

Then, of course, I couldn’t go to sleep til after midnight! Still, it was a good night of sleep and I was perky enough this morning to ignore the impending rain and go running. Went for 24 minutes and felt I could go more. But this was already 6 minutes more than my target, and as a fragile old man (and jelly-filled fat fuck) I don’t want to break something down, so I returned home to my frugal English instructor’s breakfast of a carrot and ramen. Delicious! Toss a vitamin in there to make up for all the nutrition that is lacking and I was ready to get on to my first bottle of Soju – I may not be able to vote, but goddamit I will celebrate democracy in Korea, even if it does cost me my liver!

Also, I got the galleys of my photo-article for Education About Asia. You can see it here (In PDF form) and I must say that JAE had never looked more beautiful nor BFK more handsome. I was unable to use the pic in which BFK looked like Bogie, but I think you get the idea. He should get married more often. In fact, we should all get married more often!

Or not.

The rest of the day should be the three w’s: Wreading, Writing, and Wrist-bending. The OAF has several phone interviews today (her ‘ethnicity’ already has popped up as a small problem) and if they go well I will be that much closer to losing my blessed hermit status. ;-)

Maybe she’ll get a quiet pad and I’ll spend all my time over there.