Sunday, April 06, 2008

I Return To Favor with the Godz of Trash...

For two weeks now (maybe more) I have stalked the trash-piles of Daejeon with no success. Today I was at the office and idly contemplating the picture that you see to the right. I had picked this up some time ago and since I was on the way to work, I had taken it there and left it.

It hit me in a flash! By not taking this thing home and hanging it on the wall, I had offended the mighty God of Urban Recycling (by which I mean trash-pile-diving). So I brought it home, pulled out one of the home photos (one still remains there on the lower left) and hung it on an existing screw in my wall. This was about noon.

Then I headed off to the PC Bang to contact the lovely OAF. Shockorama, she was actually online and so we chatted for an hour or two.

As I left the PC Bang I found that my analysis had been correct. The mighty God of Urban Recycling had been punishing me for lack of appreciation. And that punishment has been lifted. I walked out the door and the solution to my desktop clutter was just sitting there on the curb. It has a lovely drawer at the bottom and a felt-lined space on the top. Ideal! It looks lovely next to my 80 cents worth of folders in my $1.60 folder-holder.

Since I have also purchased 2 plants, at the rather steep cost of $4.40 for both, my household expenditures are now spiking somewhere near the $30 range (the big money was for the broom and the "dryer").

Now that I am back on the good side of the only important God, I expect that my little flat will be fully furnished in less than two months..
Trash, wont pick it up
Take them lights away
Trash, wont pick it up
Dont take your life away
Trash, dont try to take my life away

And please dontcha ask me if I love you
If you dont know what I'm doin (whatcha know is)


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Hey, Jen, your brother is back to picking through peoples trash while praying to some garbage-god.


  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'd believe my brother does anything. Oh, whoops. Wrong Jen. And wrong brother..


  3. HYS is well on his way to winning my perfectly useless annual award to the commenter who is most likely to make me spit soju back through my teeth due to uncontrolled laughter.

  4. Anonymous3:32 AM

    HYS? HYS?!! I thought I was a contender!

    Hey readers! You can text in your vote for MAF @ 6911! Vote now and vote often!

    Angrier "Friend"
