Saturday, April 05, 2008

"F Korean Police (An I Said It With Authority!)"


The police looked as this video (check out how tough the little girl is) and didn't investigate.

Fortunately neighbors got busy (what you can't tell in that video is that the second clip is ajummas coming to the rescue through the stairwell and that the third clip is the shithead escaping out the elevator) and it raised such a stink that President Lee came down to the Police Station to bust some heads.

Good explantion of the whole thing over here at Occidentalism.


  1. Anonymous1:22 AM

    I'm not a bad man
    I'm just overwhelmed
    It's cause of these things
    It's cause of these things...


  2. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Dude, you are looking pretty slim in that video of you brawling with that kid. Keep it up!


  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    It's sad... The incident happened just when another criminal (who kidnapped and killed 2 girls about 80 days ago) was arrested. The police negligence in that case was pretty obvious. Then, again, take a look at Korean Police...they look more like boyscouts, no? Overworked, underpaid and incompetent.


  4. No doubt about the cops in Korea. It doesn't seem like a very prestigious job and they all do seem to be boys or old sleeping men. I guess there is also some colonial legacy that the cops are still trying to overcome.

    With luck these last two screw-ups will lead to changes. Lee Myun-bak, at least, seemed to care.

  5. Oh yeah..

    Props to MAF for that brilliant lyric pull. Now I'ma have to find that on my iPod
