Wednesday, April 16, 2008



ScriptFrenzy certainly hasn't been working... I've been on page 10 since day two. ;-)

On the positive side I can now count to 19 in Korea and know several words for body parts (clean ones, at least).

Also, the review for the next Acta Koreana is creeping up to about 1,000 words and I have the whole scheme for it in my head.

I met with a tourism professor yesterday about my presentation for Fukuoka.. I logicked that if I had a Ph.D. co-author it might seem more attractive. So I let him see my work in very early process and I'll be surprised if that nightmare doesn't send him screaming away. ;-)

Making plans to go to Gwangju next month to take pictures of the 5.18 Memorial - a big date in Korean history when sections of Gwangju went toe to toe with dictator General Chun Doo-hwan and did ok ...... for about 4 days. Koreans, as they people do, have romanticised it a bit, but it was a pretty bad show...

Other than that, just kicking it Daejeon style (Soju!SOJU! SOJU!!!!)

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