Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Death TO Above

Thumper McStomp went mad last night.

I have become used to his early morning routine. When he slips on the football cleats, cranks up his stereo and re-enacts all parts of the Nuremburg rally in interpretive dance, while unsuccessfully attempting to juggle six 10-pound iron dumbbells? I shrug.

The same is true at night.

But at about 2:30 this morning something else happened. I suspect he began to “miss his wife.”

In a physical way.

You know what I mean.

Which I have no problem with. If he wants to sit up there dressed in nothing but a rubber Gorton’s Firsherman hat and smudge-proof sunglasses to avoid blinding himself in the showers of spunk he creates?

He can do what he wants (although I feel mildly creepy that this is the image I came up with).

But when he (apparently) lays on his back on the bare floor, paratroop boots and football helmet on, with his enormous brass ‘helper’ only partly inserted and spastically hacks away at himself with one hand in a catcher’s mitt and the other holding his over-clocked electric toothbrush?

I hear that.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    yick. now I need a shower.....

    yer sis

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Obviously the way this place is rented out is not done on a computer or else you would have arranged (read hacked into the system) to be surrounded by the United Nations of hot young females who would come by at all hours to borrow a cup of sugar...


  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    You may have scored "delicate virgin" on the Cussometer, but you certainly blew out the valve on the Nasty-o-meter with that one.

    I'll be in that shower right after your sis gets out.


  4. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Come on in AF! The water's fine!

  5. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Well, I'd vote for ya, but showering is a bit intimate...

