Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A U-Curve on the Road of Life..

I made it through the first week here. This is largely due to the fact that I no longer trust the tapwater. The first two times I was here I was unaware that it was unsafe. The unsafetiness (Yeah, that’s a word buddy. I’m an English Instructor, I’d know) was not communicated to me by my BKF, though his wolfish laughter each time I drank tapwater would have been a signal to me if I wasn’t so consistently drunk, tired, or sick.

I sometimes forget that Korea is in some ways a very third-world, first world country. They did all this shite since 1950 and that’s commendable work in a short time frame. But if the new government is looking for something to do? It might work on the water.

Then there’s my impending suicide.

As I look through the “training manual” (which, so far has helped me in exactly no situation) I discover that from the minute I landed in Korea I’ve been on an inevitable and precipitous slide towards the brink (I actually have no idea what that last phrase means, but it sounds good so I’ll let it stand). The bad news is that, given the time frame that this graphic presents, there is no chance I will be able to purchase any kind of automatic weapon. The good news, I suppose, is that this means my fat ass won’t have to climb any kind of tower to find killshots. If I have to be a depressed lunatic I’d just as soon be a lazy one.

This is where Korea has brought me.

The rest of you?

I have no idea. I suspect you have all lost your houses in the great crash of ’08. Hard to say.

None of you email me and many of you are clearly afraid of the reality of that graphic, since you duck out of IM as soon as I log on…


Off to research gun ownership laws in the Land of the Morning Calm.

P.S. My decline into suicidal rage has been hastened this morning by the news I still don't have an office key.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Hmm... seven days without water. That's a gruesome suicide, dude.


  2. This is the BKF (Ed).
    I haven't exactly laughed out-loud each time you drank straight out of sink faucet. It was more of a stifled giggle.... :)

    It's great to hear that you are doing well.

    Listen, I have a couple of translation things piling up on my desktop. Can you work on a short notice? The work pieces are all translated (since you are in Korea), and they are short.

    I'll search for you on gmail...


  3. Anonymous4:24 PM


    if anyone deserves a key, it's you. Really. And the duckin out of Yahoo thing--totally coincedental. Yeah, that's the ticket!

    yer sis

  4. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I still can't believe he really thinks that office is "his."

    "Gee you guys.. that's what they told me when they let me sit in the big chair in there."


