Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sick As A Dog

Holy Cow. I haven’t been this sick from a cold in a very long time. This reminds me of childhood days when I would just bed out for three consecutive days, but that would not be very good at BPU. The extra class today was a pain (and I skipped Korean because I was coughing so badly) and the stay for the late class really sucked. The OAF was gonna come online and chat but something came up, so I sat there and stared at my computer screen. I was able to pump it up for the classes, but as soon as they were over the chute opened. At least the class I was subbing for was a great, involved one and included on woman who knew English enough to translate the more complicated thoughts. I was reduced to charades and drawing on the chalkboard. And then if freaking started to drizzle (in the very windy cold night). Thank god the folks in the apartments around me seem to have turned their heat up. My flat was a toastyish 22 (in savage degrees) and in expectation of a horrible day tomorrow I did my stretches already. Now it’s just me, three 1.6 liter Cass’s and that codeine (only for it’s cough-reducing properties, I swear).

Let’s hope this bastard breaks tonight. I am NOT looking forward to my unruly class of Chinese Management students. Oh well, just that one class and possibly a stumble back here to bed.

Man - Practically had visions last night. Also swinging from feverish to chilled. Waiting for my class to show up. Then office hours, then home.


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    orange juice and dry toast
    yer mom

  2. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I thought you brought them up on wheat germ and chicken livers!

    My fly rod rocks Thanks.

    CCM- hot alcohol drinks. Many of them. Don't listen to your mother!


  3. chicken soup. wid da featherrs n da clawws.

    sip the soup, suck the clawws, pick the teeth wid the featherrs.

    fall ainto deep slepp, have da visions, wake up well.

  4. saiggit...

    I'm in Korea, that's just breakfast here.... ;-)

    But your advice is appreciated..
