Monday, March 10, 2008

One Step Closer to Snapping like a Rotted Twig in a Drought!

Well, baffled at any rate...

Came in this morning to my desk to discover that over the weekend my computer had disappeared. How very odd. So the first minutes of the day were spent lugging a computer from the "bad" desk to the "good" desk. Then it was jibber-jabber with some other instructors and a half-hearted attempt to look at the material I was presenting today.

I will say this - working from a canned curriculum is very easy. I even managed to, barely, get the 7 sections in that I wanted to do. But the pair work was nearly impossible to judge, since the room is small and the noise is vast.

Oh well..

Tomorrow I have to gather various body parts of the written language and pray for enough lightening to power them up into some sort of syllabus for my Academic Writing class. Shouldn't be onerous, but new ground so who knows..

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