Saturday, March 29, 2008

Looking Down On Creation

There is some pleasure to getting things organized. With the big sickness not so very far behind me and the rain ahead (just starting, actually) it didn't seem like a day for roaming. I stayed within about 10 blocks of the Bohemian Love Pad. Did laundry, hit the PCBang, bought some folders to organize my projects. Took a look at the ScriptFrenzy site and grabbed a cool software yclept Celtx which lays out screenplays. Also took heed of the sites’advice that I should have an outline and came home to look at the work I have on the computer as well as in a beat up old notebook that I’ve been carting around for years (decades? Maybe. I am that fucking old). It seems to lend itself to an episodic approach and I quickly limned out 10 of the episodes. Sort of an ongoing story-line with individual flashbacks to previous, failed, crimes as well as previous (failed?) introductions and friendships. I always wanted to write a screenplay and, this April, away I go. I’m aiming at about 120 pages, but will be ecstatic if I finish the thing. ;-)

Once that was done I started organizing the Korean marketing piece, as I intend to submit that for consideration of the 4th World Congress of Korean Studies in Fukuoka, Japan. An acceptance there would be major. I am not sanguine, but if it gets me to finish the piece anything beyond is lagniappe.

I wolfed around the neighborhood trying to find pieces of furniture being tossed out – I need something to organize documents – but everything was either of another nature, or too ratty. I may give in and purchase something, though that goes entirely against my “bag-lady pimpin' Caligula scrimpin’” scheme here.

With the heat on, the rain outside, and the beautiful buzzing in my head (It’s 5:45 in the afternoon on a Saturday. I made a lovely Soju cocktail and am pretty certain there may be another in my immediate future) I can’t say I have anything to complain about.

Which pretty much renders me mute. ;-)

That picture is of some of the lads in my Japanese Studies students (my favorites by a mile – Korean kids studying BOTH Japanese and English) going all south-central (Korea) on they bad selves.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:08 AM

    glad you are feeling better. Also you look like you've lost weight....

    Check your IM Yahoo stuff--I left you some "housekeeping" messages.

    yer sis
