Monday, March 17, 2008

Lazing on A Sunday Afternoon

Sunday was an attempt to get my battery charger. I had some directions from Adam (the guy who lives below me) and from yesterday’s ramble I knew where the Daejeon Train Station and subway lines were. I walked over to the station – a sunny but windy and cold walk. Got into the subway and there was no station with the name that Adam had given me, but by looking at all the stops (thank god there is only one subway line in Daejeon) I could make out which stop it probably had to be and that Adam had been using a contracted name of the station.

No worries, the rest of his directions were supernaturally precise and I arrived right in front of the Canon store at about 12:15. Which was good. But the store was closed, which was bad. Anyway, now I know how the subway works and have a map in my head of where it goes. This is going to make it easier to explore the town in the weekends that are ahead. I walked back home and had a two part lunch consisting of things that can’t be explained in English and probably not digested by a wayguk stomach.

Worked some on my marketing piece – there’s a Korean Studies conference in September in Fukuoka Japan and I’m going to send in an abstract and see if I can present there. This may be a little stretch, but we shall see. Perhaps I’ll see if I can buddy up with someone from the tourism school here at BPU. Anyway, that article is up to about 3K words, which I suppose leads me to those goals I had when I got here..

There were things I was going to do this here year in the Land of the Mourning of Calm…. This list was:

1) Oh Shit – Finish piece of fiction I began in Master’s Program
2) OP – lyrics for an album of old punk songs
3) Book on Kim Yong-ik
5) Legal Habit (ScriptFrenzy month)
6) Touch my toes ;-)
7) Lose 30 lbs
8) Get the website sorted so the other one is the “formal” one.
9) Transcribe notebooks to computer
10) Articles/Publications –
* Korean Wave for EIA Due when?
* When Whales Fight for EIA Due When
* Marketing Piece
11) Learn Stinky Korean

So far I have converted on #9. This was an easy one, but still, it is done… So, 10 to go….

The Marketing piece is coming along well as I noted above. When it’s done I’ll toss it in a drawer for a bit and then polish it up if I’m accepted to the conference..

I have lost a couple of pounds (sez my jeans), but until I get into the gym I can’t say how much.

Korean language begins this week and the website sorting is well underway.

Next month is ScriptFrenzy and I will try to get Legal Habit (which may end up merging with “Oh Shit” as I think about it) up to 100 pages of script. After that I will begin to chase down Kim Yong-ik info.

Much remains in process, but I will update this every so often, if for no other reason to shame myself into continuing along.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I don't think many will know how to appreciate what this journal entry really tells: setting goals and achieving them in a foreign land. It may sound a bit boring and not relevant to others (after all, it is a almost an introspection for the things to happen).

    Well, I've been in a similar shoe, so to speak.

    I don't know what it is that I'm trying to convey (to me, more than to others) here.

    Nonetheless, I must say I am becoming more convinced that writing a journal is not an act of evil... Keep up the good work!

