Friday, March 14, 2008

Garbage In?

Garbage is handled differently in Korea, if by differently you mean "a way that makes a Westerner say WTF?" There is no overarching municipal garbage company so each 'area' is taken care of by a different garbage outfit. Garbage is generally just bagged up and tossed out onto the sidewalk. This is supposed to be in city-sponsored green bags (the collection of these green bags is apparently how payment is calculated for the garbage companies) but in poorer neighborhoods, like mine, it is just tossed out in whatever you have.

Also, there really aren't city dumps, so everything is tossed out onto the sidewalk and left for pickup. Which includes that lovely bookcase you see there to the left. I noticed it yesterday morning and swore that if it remained there by nightfall, it would be mine. Oh yes, IT WOULD BE MINE! And so, when I left the 901 club I hefted this badboy onto my shoulders, named it George, and took it home. On the way into work this morning I also nicked a lovely Asian picture of some sort, and that should go home with me tonight.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "Well, Jen, it sounds like that brother of yours- the one that got banished- is picking through trash on the streets of some Korean ghetto. You must be proud."


  2. Anonymous1:40 AM

    love the wallpaper/ Please send the name of your decorator.
