Thursday, February 28, 2008

Settling In

Remember how some of you all laughed at my notion that I could trade grades for sex?

Well I already have!

Unfortunately, it was with my faculty evalutor.

And he's big!

Actually, today was all about settling in.

A bit of clever thinking and a bit of experimenting and I have figured out how to make the Ondol floors work in this apartment. This is a welcome thing, since last night was quite cold. Got up and headed up the hill to BPU and a meeting with my intake dude. Some paperwork, met a guy named Zeke, a guy named John and a guy who loudly announced that he was Republican and interspersed good advice with blowhardiness.

Got a call from my mentor and we arranged lunch. He is Canadian, married to a Russian woman. Highly entertaining and, blessedly, possessed of a car. He passed along a lot of wisdom I already had, but also some valuable stuff and since he had the car he toured me around the city and we picked up many things that would have been far too awkward for me to get to all at once on foot or bus. He drove like a Korean and said it was the only way to drive. He also pointed out the intense tinting on his windows and said a white driver pretty much had to have it, because if a Korean driver saw a white head behind a wheel they a) assumed you couldn’t drive and, b) drove even more aggressively.

Although the latter sounded impossible to me, I accepted it because the other parts made sense.

Then it was off to the PC Bang to chat to the OAF and home to organize alla the stuffs I had purchased. This was good to get done before training starts tomorrow. I did forget to bring my FedEx tracking number, so I don’t know where my “library” is on its way to Korea.

I now sit in a computer lab, awatiting my training. It seems that Woo Song may have me in mind to do some recruiting on account of my winning personality, rugged good looks, and we.. actually.. technology skills....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    how do you say "KY" in Korean?

    Yer sis
