Saturday, January 05, 2008

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrottery of the Highest Order..

I was trying to find my way home
But all I heard was a drone
Bouncing off a satellite
Crushing the last lone American night

What are the odds? Storms are blowing the world down, there is apocalyptic conflict in the Middle East, and abortions are mandatory in public high schools. Which is almost end-times.

But when Bruce Springsteen writes (other than that shitty “last lone” duplication thrown in to keep the beat right. Dude, you’re supposed to be “The Bass!” You couldn’t have made that “lonely” or some other single word with two syllables”) a brilliant radio song? Even the MAF must agree it is endtimes…

I just wanna hear some rhythm
I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices

Speaking in tongues
This is Radio Nowhere
Is there anybody alive out there
This is Radio Nowhere
Is there anybody alive out there

I was driving through the misty rain
Just a-searching for a mystery train
Bopping through the wild blue
Trying to make a connection with you

I just wanna hear some rhythm
I just wanna hear some rhythm
I just wanna hear your rhythm

Some folks online have claimed the intro sounds like Tommy Tutones 1982 hit "867-5309/Jenny" but I much more hear the beginning of Husker Du’s “Pink Turns to Blue” and if anyone is having a fit about this they are pretty lame.

It’s rock and roll dudes. Of course it’s fucking stolen.

Now enjoy what is the only decent Springsteen song of the last 10 years..


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM


  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Endtimes? Bah!

    Ask any esoteric philosopher or quantum physicist. Ultimately, all time is the same time: now.

    It is the all times, not the end times, my friend.

