Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The MonkeySphere (The Most Sensible Thing you will read This Year)

Two representative quotes from the best philosophical treatise of this year:

A representative democracy allows a small group of people to make all of the decisions, while letting us common people feel like we're doing something by going to a polling place every couple of years and pulling a lever that, in reality, has about the same effect as the darkness knob on your toaster. We can simultaneously feel like we're in charge while being contained enough that we can't cause any real monkey mayhem once we fly into one of our screeching, arm-flapping monkey frenzies (a woman showed her boob at the Super Bowl! We want a boob and football ban immediately!)

let me assure you that if you don't feel sympathy for your fellow man at $6.00 an hour, you won't feel anything at $600,000 a year.


  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I read your blog!;-)

  2. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Damn, that makes me.. well, ANGRY!

    Whoop, Whoop, Whoop!!!


    PS rather smug of you to predict the "most sensible.. read this year" on the 15th of January...

  3. AF...

    You assume I'm using the western new year...

    Lunar New Year Baby.. it's all about the Lunar New Year...

    but that doesn't reach to Caucasia, I suppose...


  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oh! Oh! Oh!
    Now I'm REALLY mad!!
    It must have been the use of English that threw me off..


  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    And nearly two weeks later, I finally find time to click the link to the article and found it worth all the effort. ;-)

    MonkeySphere indeed!
    Loved the ending.

