Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Orient Express?

And just like that, I have a phone interview with a University in Korea. In this case, Woosong University which claims to be in Korea's "Silicon Valley" and features an alarmingly pink campus. It is two hours south of Seoul which is a drag in one way, but I suppose also a buffer against the "lake of fire" if North Korea ever decides to invade. The lovely president describes it thus:

Woosong University, a "specialized university", provides a specialized curricula based on practical foreign language and high-tech IT education for every major field of study. In their Junior and Senior years, students have access to practical, industry-based educational experiences, such as field experiments, project-based education, and internship programs at home and abroad. As a result of these educational initiatives, Woosong University was selected as "The Best University of Specialization" for 4 consecutive years and "The University of Excellence in Educational Reform" for 3 year running.

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