Sunday, December 09, 2007

Every Once In a While..

you realize you hate your work..
and you are busy writing someone's thesis
and you are applying for jobs in Korea..

ok.. only once then...

but as part of it you are getting your music collection digitized so that it can follow you wherever you go (Ipod's are small enough to fit in coffins OR urns!).

So then you go through your CDs and try to Limewire anything you seem to recognize. At this point you discover (relearn?) two things....

The Gattdamnt Dead Boys were one of the greatest Punk Rawk bands ever. And the newly remastered version of 3rd Generation Nation is effing brilliant.

And then, as you are congratulating yourself on your brilliant taste you go back and check that last song you downloaded....

Brimful of Asha.....

and you hate yer fucking self...

cause you suck.

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