Monday, November 05, 2007


The meeting with the Koreans went well despite the fact that the most powerful one labored under the misconception that I wanted to be a translator and, within about 35 seconds, was telling me to go to Harvard and get a PhD there ("Mom? Is that you?").

I demurred that I am very old, lazy, and far more interested in the critical and marketing sides of the whole endeavor. Which she understood and I would be very surprised if this didn't result in a job offer in short order. Probably in Seoul and at a decent Uni, so alla that is good. The day was also lovely and a trip to Bigger City is rarely a bad thing and in this case it certainly wasn't.

I also handed the review of The Dwarf off to BKF and he will have a go from his side. I think it needs a bit more grounding in the politics of the era, so I am off to read on that and BKF will certainly have something to say.

In the meantime I am completely reminded why I love sinfest:




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