Sunday, November 25, 2007

More on the Korean Dream thingie..

got home today and will have pix and stuff about the crabbing tomorrow..

but re-printed The Dwarf and did another restructuring... looking forward to seeing what the BKF will have for me tomorrow. With luck I will have already addressed some of it. Also worked on Sky Nest, which has got much better, but time is getting tight and I'm a bit worried. I'll see what BKF has to say tomorrow.

Began the paper for Hilton Head, so that is good. As it turns out I'd taken pretty extensive notes when I read Kim's work and that pretty much cut and pasted in. I can bullshit this one by sending off whatever I have when the December deadline hits. Even if it's shit they can't cut me out now, and the discussant will probably have some good feedback, if St. Louis was an indicator. Anyway, I'm going to do this one in a much more PPT/Discussion way, so the actual paper is pretty immaterial except as a way to organize my thoughts.

The big issue is really this Master's Thesis I'm taking on. The first few chapters are due mid-December and that would be quite a load. I'll meet with the client on Monday to see how quickly they can start on altering the expectation that early deadlines will be met. She has a bunch of it (illy) written, so that will be editing, I hope. But I'm not sure there's any research in hand and that is problematic.

Ah well.... I missed the cold I was afraid would hit me while I was up crabbing. This means I still have the Nyquil, whiskey, and Codeine.

Time to visit Oz baby! OZ!

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