Monday, October 15, 2007

Hmmmology.. the study of uh.. uh...

My lovely discussant had promised to return comments on my conference paper by "this weekend" and as the weekend is almost over and I have heard nothing back, I think I shan't. Since she's out there in an expired time zone, I am even more certain of this conclusion.

There are several interpretations...

1) My paper is so excremental it can't be helped by comment
2) My paper is so brilliant she is slumped in her bathroom, under the sink, wondering why she payed all that money for her PhD when she just could have dated me
3) She's busy

Doesn't really matter...

I have another conference in my sights in January and will be sending off an abstract this week.

If the swine in Korea (who rather owe me, but who knows how that works with a Waygook?) won't find me a job I'll just keep plugging away here. Nothing else to do, really. Work for some big vacation time and try to do my research on vacations. I don't believe they'll let me down, but I have yet to see anything since Mr. Pak had something lined up for me last March.

The conference will happen, the reviews will publish, and I will continue to gnaw away at this thing....

Like the tailless rodent I am.

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