Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Writing a Couple of Reviews

for Acta Koreana.....


Thank you for kindly offering to review Choi Jongyoll's Sky Nest and Cho Se-Hui's The Dwarf for Acta Koreana.

I personally think it would be interesting to have an English major's perspective on these two works, so I will have the review copies sent out to you straight away.

For inclusion in the January 2008 issue of Acta Koreana, it would be helpful if your reviews could reach us (as e-mail attachments) by 1 December 2007.

I would also be grateful if you could send a short e-mail to this address to let us know when you receive the books.

This is not a paid gig, but will certainly help pad out my meagre Korean CV.

The first is on Sky Nest by Choi Jongyoll - this is a compilation of poetry, and reading and reviewing this can only help me if the BKF and I continue along on the Korean lit/poetry translations. And since I found a pdf of the actual poems, I can begin before I even get the work!

More fun should be The Dwarf by Cho Se-Hui which seems to be a very important work in a Korea and focuses on things that should be easy to ramble on about, you know, industrialism, capitalism... dwarves! ;-)

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