Saturday, June 02, 2007

Press Release

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is starting a multinational campaign charging that International Health Organizations are complicit in an “International campaign of genocide aimed at the SARS virus”.

"To inflict cruelties on defenseless creatures, or condone such acts, is to abuse one of the cardinal tenets of a civilized society - reverence for life." Jon Evans

In a news release, the organization said that the campaign is being launched to pressure the World Health Organization (WHO) the Western Health Alliance of Technicians (WHAT), and the World Health Employees’ Regional Entente (WHERE) to work harder for better treatment of viruses in humans and at laboratories.

On Tuesday, the group will hold an 11 a.m. news conference at the Fishkill Hilton Hotel in Vancouver, and also in Beijing and Hong Kong to unveil posters, leaflets, stickers, and other materials bearing the slogan "It’s Another Holocaust: 6-Million Every Minute!”

“WHO, WHAT and WHERE have begun a campaign of obliteration, leaving us no choice but to turn up the heat," PETA director of Vegan Outreach Bruce Friedrich, said in the release. "Remember, meat is murder, and we think of viruses as extremely small cuts of meat."

Amy Sherwood, a spokeswoman for WHO, said that the organization denies PETA's claims. "WHO is committed to the well being and humane treatment of all living creatures and we require all of our members to follow welfare guidelines developed by us with leading experts on our Animal Welfare Advisory Council." she said. "Additionally, we have taken a leadership role with our trade associations to establish standardized guidelines for the entire medical industry, including welfare clinics. Our expectation is that these industry-wide guidelines will be completed in August."

PETA has announced plans to build a sanctuary for expelled viruses. Located in the teeming slums of India, this sanctuary will provide a home for unwanted and/or expelled viruses. “We hope to someday expand this sanctuary so that all bacteria and viruses have a safe and sane home,” Friedrich noted, going on to say that, “we welcome all little creatures, no matter how small, and look forward to that shipment of anthrax from Iraq just as hopefully as SARS viruses from the US, Canada, and China.”

We must write our elected officials to let them know that we are concerned with the welfare of these defenseless viruses. We can also join animal rights groups to become more active in the fight. Future generations of the virus must be allowed to remain in the bloodstream, where they belong. This may seem drastic, but so are the hardships these viruses go through every day of their lives. Our health must not come from exploiting them.

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