Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Work unclenches...

I was gonna post about how happy I was to be sitting in a bar at 11:30 or so with only one major fucking event left this semester... I swear, I can do the marketing and PIO shit, but I hate event planning...

anwyay.. watching the news I saw something of interest to Swamp Valley College, wrote up a couple of pages for the Limpest President Ever and came to the bar to post it (No intarwebs at home). And there I was enjoying a beer, despite the Karaoke...

Then an asian guy in blue shorts and an Hawaian shirt stood up and started singing "The Sound of Music" in a voice that would make (FFFFVVVVCCCKK! Can't remember her name. Old White Lady Singer the Gays Love Who Was On Shows that Featured Shit Like Ventriloquism) shake in fear....

There can be no peace....

Anyway... Work should become less 23/6 (cause I'm too lazy a fvck to go ALL the way) in the weeks to come...



  1. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Streisand? Midler? Garland? Oh there are so many.......

  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    my money's on Bette
