Tuesday, April 03, 2007

To Jamestown

I was scheduled to get out of work at 4:30 and to my complete amazement did. The trip from Big City to the Delta went relatively easily and by the time we hit Highway 5 we were contemplating possible hotels for the night. I had seen a bed-and-breakfast somewhere out in “Fish Something or Other” but I had no idea where this might actually be. I knew that once we were past Escalon hotels would get scarce so I stopped at a gas station, gave the BAG a $20 bill and asked her to purchase a map of California. 5 minutes later I was still sitting in the car and the BAG had not reappeared. I stepped into the store to enquire and there in the corner, under a large mound of opened maps (most of which were of Sacramento) the BAG struggled to breathe. I refolded most of the maps and stopped the BAG from continuing to drill through the rack with maps of Sacramento. I pointed out that since one map of Sacramento was pretty much like the other, it might be time for other options. Unfortunately, none of the other options included California or Northern California. As the BAG continued to juggle maps she lost track of the $20 bill and left it behind for the lost (“lost?” by the map racks? Irony baby) homies of 7-11.

She has a loose way with money. If it is mine.

We could neither find “Fish Something or Other” nor raise the hotel on the telephone and thus we soldiered on after determining (a bit of mathematics based on road signs) that Sonora wasn’t too far away beyond the turn-off to Yosemite. We stopped a bit short of that in Jamestown and found a lovely little hotel (The RailTown Hotel) which charged less than seventy dollars for the evening. As we walked in I nearly had a heart attack as a savage canine of massive dimensions gathered itself to leap at me from the bed. Reeling backwards I stepped aside and yelled, “take the Indian! I’m a heart attack waiting to happen.” Perhaps I also pushed the BAG in ahead of me. She has one version of the story and I have another.

It was a stuffed animal, but I could have used a bit of warning. You can see a picture (over there on the right) of the savage beast completely sucking up to the BAG. Shameless. Both of them.

We went around the corner and had a lovely dinner before retiring to bed. I locked the stuffed animal in the bathroom, just to be safe. The BAG kept getting out, so I finally gave up on her...

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