Monday, April 23, 2007

So that's why their heads exploded!

Who knew I wasn’t a bored fuckup?

As it turns out I’m a “scanner.”

This according to Barbara Sher. Who more or less had me the first time she said she “just wants to save a bunch of geniuses.” Who among we geniuses can’t identify with being saved? ;-) Her book (path?) is called “Refuse to Choose.”

Apparently my problem is I am such a learning, problem-solving, multi-talented, super-genius that I can’t be expected to finish anything. Additionally (and a slick bit of psycho-therapeutic infusion) any unhappiness I have is because my relatives are too dimwitted to see this and support me properly.

The bastards.

Ms. Sher has developed a line certain to attract many an underperforming egomaniac. Which covers most of the citizens of this fine Republic.

For only $275 I can gain access to all of her wisdom (CD and hardback book!). I started to send away for this stuff, but then I kind of lost interest and did something else. I blame my family.

Now the show ends and.. Oh no.. “renowned teach and spiritual counselor” Irwin Kula may have a different path for me. Time to change the channel. Good thing there is an NBA game on!

In the meantime I will continue to draw my spiritual sustenance from the groundbreaking work of the philosophical collective that was Hüsker Dü:

“If I listened to the things that you said
everything would fall apart
If I did all the things that you do
everything could fall apart
Let's not listen to the things that they say
everything can fall apart
Let's think about our actions before we do them
everything will fall apart
I got nothing to do
You got nothing to say
Everything is so fucked up
I guess it's natural that way.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Do you not update this any longer? Your sister thinks you died and no one down there has stopped partying long enough to let her know.
