Thursday, March 08, 2007

Three Things I Learned Today

1) If there is pigeon crap all over the sidewalk, DON'T look up!

2) Old men have no business playing basketball.

3) Some people are just cranky as the following IM attests to:

r_wellor (7:51:49 PM): how was your lovely day off?
cranky_friend (7:52:43 PM): most xlnt
r_wellor (7:54:07 PM): k3wl...
r_wellor (7:54:29 PM): I had to work, but it was also a most exlnt day (I had to put one vowel in there!)
cranky_friend (7:54:31 PM): yep
cranky_friend (7:54:47 PM): i went on a bay area tour
r_wellor (7:55:00 PM): just driving?
cranky_friend (7:55:15 PM): livermore topleasant hill to martinez to berkeley then back across skyline to castro valley adn now i'm at LPC
cranky_friend (7:55:28 PM): "just"
cranky_friend (7:55:36 PM): you're so fucking judgemental
r_wellor (7:56:18 PM): er.. you're paranoid...
r_wellor (7:56:32 PM): I mean that as in "doing nothing else, noodling along"
r_wellor (7:56:46 PM): one of my favorite pass-times
cranky_friend (7:56:47 PM): no you don't
cranky_friend (7:56:51 PM): you're always passing judgment
cranky_friend (7:56:59 PM): and paranoid implies that I care what you think
r_wellor (7:56:59 PM): paranoia will destroy ya...
cranky_friend (8:19:13 PM): touchy
Yahoo (8:19:17 PM): cranky_friend has logged off

I think cranky_friend mis-spelled "touche" there at the end. ;-)

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