Sunday, March 18, 2007

More screw-aroundery today. Got up relatively early and packed up to ride to the hills to see the fambly. Along the way I had planned to stop in and see Old Married With Children Friend, but instead got a lesson in how long it had been since I have seen her. Headed off to her house (along the way) and took a wrong turn somehow. Just couldn't find it as I accidentally stayed on the wrong road (well, obviously, but I think I know which wrong road it was).

Rolled out the Delta Highway to mid-state. Took a weird route on some backroads. Passed the big wind machines and rather then get on THE BIG Interstate I stayed on the Delta which turned into “Dr. Martin Luther King Rd.” As some clever comic noted, roads named for the good doctor are universally amongst the crappiest, poorest, and most crime-ridden roads in the city, and this was no exception. Hard-faced white-trash walking out of liquor stores with plastic bags full of booze. Tank-tops dirty and faces grimly set. It's going to be a good St Paddy's day for those folks. Good old St. Patrick, the patron saint of the drunkard, money-shot, and ATM.

Some blocks are little Mexico – old men sitting out with barrels smoking as they cook meat. Little children running around and the odd Vietnamese old lady. Every window that isn't barred is broken.

Nice place.

Up into the hills and everything is a riot of color.

Tried to stop in at the Newcastle Inn, but it was closed and so I motored up the hill and found a truly great little place called the “Red Frog” which had taken over an old bar/restaurant which had always been empty when I passed it before. The bartendress was trying to figure out the signature drink of the place, to be called the “Red Frog,” of course. And I was lucky enough to get a shot of it. Amaretto, cranberry, a couple of other things. Quite good. The view from the place is mind-numbing and I don't know if it is legal to smoke outside in California, but everyone is and so it has the vibe of a nice bar from the old days. Three families and about 6 bikers including a young woman with spectacularly outsized silicon breasts that threaten to topple her really skinny frame. I'm not saying anything or looking much, however, since her boyfriend is 3 bills if a pound and I'm too pretty to take a beating. Ordered a burger and the chef had to be separated from her cocktail and cigarette to come on in and cook it. I could live here. ;-)

As I drove up I stared wistfully at each cruddy looking hotel and dive bar. Imagining the immature joy of tucking away in a shitty hotel for a week, coming out only to walk to the bar. Existing from beautiful twilight state to beautiful twilight state. Got up to the sister's place and had a lovely meal with the parents as well as some hilltop strays. Sis has those hostessing skills and over three bottles of wine the six of us reimagined our lives as if we were witty heroes. An excellent time was had by all.

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