Friday, March 23, 2007

A Challenge and a Stupidity


Some geniuses in England have done a "study" on the danger of drugs. The same geniuses who have never quite grasped the danger of NOT using toothpaste. Brits... This is the chart they've created:

I must admit to being boggled by some of it. To make pot more dangerous than solvents seems to ignore the differences between organic and inorganic chemistry. Which would you rather accidentally spill on your Pizza?

Of course looking at the source info adds more questions...

And Heroin as number one? That shit is dangerous because you can't tell what the dosage is. If Alcohol was sold in one-dose packets without any indication of how much was inside the packet and how much it was cut with lime juice and sugar (pick you own adulterant?). There would be a whole lot more random death - this also explains why "Street Methadone" is dangerous.. it isn't packaged by dose as prescribed methadone is.

What kind of weak methodology is this?

On the other hand?

I need to get me at least one of my hands on some 4-MTA or Buprenorphine.

I don't even know what that shit is, but apparently it will Fark me up!

Doctor, doctor, please!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    ...and I'll just bet you they didn't even *look* at your little pink pill....

