Friday, February 16, 2007

Become a buddhist or chop down trees?

Really, I must be insane and need a nice rest (somehow land-buddhism or repetitive destruction of inanimate objects seem like rest to me)...

This was the longest 4-day work week ever, but replete with garlands and accomplishments. Board loves me, we made some public events work (that really should have failed), some brilliant PR just about to hit, numbers look good. Now everyone is safely tucked in to the 4-day weekend that the killer contract gives us.

And I'm on my work email hitting refresh like a rat hooked on crack-cocaine in a behavioral study -- and a rat that doesn't realize the bad news. Experiment over little rat. Detox your bad-self because with the results about to be published the man in the white coat isn't the pusherman anymore...

But I needs me the crazy thrill of the next email with an insane demand from an administrator; or cancellation from some required vendor; or a new program that needs a prospectus by 30 minutes before the email demanding it was sent; or.. . more stress, STRESS, STRESS!

Seriously, can you get addicted to that shit?

Good news is that a delicious sushi dinner helped me figure out the final structure for my thesis.. I think all the little bits I've been having difficulty reconciling can now be dovetailed.

So that's good..

4 days of writing now.

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