Thursday, January 25, 2007

WTF .. bonus work report

BAG wants daily reports now.... so here is some of dat..

The day started outstandingly as it was only on the way to get coffee and some foot that I realized I had left my wallet at home. So I had two dollars and some change. Aaah.. I could afford the “Sausage and Biscuit,” the sausage of which immediately began to work on my esophagus. Got to work and off to a meeting where I (accurately) commented that a competitor’s publication had several major problems, including a Black kid they had made look like an ape. This caused a little stir because the guy who chose the photo wasn’t in the room and I had mentioned the "ape" thing…. One of my favorite admins politely warned me never to say this around Blacks for historical reasons. I would have said, "don’t use pictures like that," but that’s just me. ;-) I don’t want to see any human looking like a fucking ape unless they are on the cover of “Neanderthal Man Magazine.” Then again that magazine went extinct eons ago.

Anyway, I had no money for food the rest of the day so I scavenged any old crud I could find by peoples’ desks, in shared areas, or in remaining but moldy xmas gifts. This means that while I was hungry all day, I also probably consumed 8,000 calories of stale cookies and candies that might once have been jellied.

Just another day at the office

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