Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hotel Medicine and the Writing

The lovely BAG asks what "Hotel Medicine" means, even though she has been directly privy to it. It has two meanings I suppose...

1) The moral and psychological calm that comes with responsibility for no practical details of life; The same calm as offered by the antiseptic and cocooned life you lead if you live in a hotel room.

2) The various chemical devices one might bring to a Hotel to accelerate or amplify that process of calm.

With that noted, this morning I cracked out a very few words and am now up to.. 11,754 words. I think this revises my weekend goal to something like 13,500, if that wasn't where I was initially aiming.

And I'd like to find 4 more silly article titles.

Maybe take a shower..

Hotel Medicine makes such necessities less.. well.... necessary..

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