Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday Morning 9:30 Thesis Watch

Of course Hotel living meant drinking beer last night, so I woke up a bit soft-headed. It is also bitterly cold outside and I left my toothbrush at home. Ideal writing conditions, I think. ;-)

Went out and got coffee and a bagel and sat down to watch playoff coverage on ESPN. Fired up the Dolls on iTunes and finally did a bit of work.. as of 9:30 we are...

I have 3,718 words of new writing and still
3,340 words of the old
which means 7,942 to go and I am approaching halfway through..

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Bitterly cold Huh? 2 degrees here last night.

    yer sis
