Tuesday, January 16, 2007

2/3 of a rough draft...

6868 New Words
3340 Old words

10,208 total words and .666 of the way to my draft…

The Hotel Medicine kind of worked… since I doubled my New Words and still have some of today to go… from now on all my new words need to be critical analysis though, no more literature research or context or blah blah blah...

When I got home I re-arranged my bedroom so that my laptop can go on my desk and I have a little table for papers right next to that.. certainly has already helped since I sat there for an hour or so and cranked things out… this new word count is in spite of the fact that I pruned out a couple of stupid things that I had in there… so I guess the editing has begun. I think I need to swing over to my course page and see if I owe any instructor type any instructional type thing…

When this is done I guess I’d better resurrect my “Who Is Michael Breen and Why Does He Hate the Koreans?” piece…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    It's the number of the beast! Quick, start typing again.....

    yer sis
