Saturday, January 13, 2007

1:30 Thesis Update...

Had to run to a printer and proof something for work - which broke up the day. Also worked on my brilliant table showing all of the author’s work. Since I will have only one table , I need to make it a special one ;-)

came down to the Mexican restaurant and there must be a big community of Koreans around here somewhere because the drink refrigerator has cokes, agua frescas (?), coke and soju! I am now eating a veggie burrito, drinking a Heineken and swiping someone’s signal because the hotel wireless is no longer doling out IP addresses..

I have 4,836 words of new writing and still
3,340 words of the old
which means 6,824 to go and I sure would like to get to a total of 10k done before I leave this here place.. Still.. it is nice to see the halfway hump well behind me and the .666 hump ahead….

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