Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ooooh.... I'll Buy a Piece of That!

Just clicking from here to there on the mighty intarwebs and I click on a link that promises to take me to some embarrassing pictures of a superstar (and I love me some my scahedenfreude) and what should pop up but the 'interesting' advertisement to the right.

I am, of course, intrigued by the thing since I think we all want to know what anal aint (and is that "T" supposed to make me think of the 'taint'? Or is that "OO" supposed to make me think of anal ecstasy?). And I want to know what cutting edge product, by Pontiac at that, is represented by a shot of the back end of a red car with the message "ANAL AIN'T"

It would give a whole new meaning to four on the floor. Unfortunately, as the animation works itself out the rather pedestrian (can you say 'pedestrian' about an advert for a car?) pitch is for some Detroit piece of garbage, as you can see on the left.

The arrow moves away to reveal a message that I will never remember, because "ANAL AIN'T" has temporarily taken over my frontal lobes and a bit of my lower body.

I wonder how long this advertisement has been on the web and if Pontiac has any idea what it looks like?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    freak. When are you coming up for the New Year's celebrations?

