Thursday, November 16, 2006

Why my BAG must die..

So I'm struggling with a word... as my 1.5 reader(s?) might have noted in my previous post I left in a marker for a word I couldn't remember.

It went like this: (THAT WORD FOR EXTRA LUCKY)

And when the BAG came to sleep I said that the word I couldn't remember started with an "S" and that this kind of forgetfulness was the beginning of the damage old age would do to me until it finally turfed me.

I gave her the same permission I have given my sister, "shoot me in the back of my head when I no longer make sense."

This may not be the best permission to give a girlfriend whom you are soon to leave for Korea. I may be the last victim of the Korean war!

So I, stutter (another word beginning with s) that it wasn't "synchronicity" (after a horrible flashback to what the Police devolved to) and it wasn't some other word that I can't remember now (and why is the BAG out of the room and why do I hear a gun cocking?). EDIT - THE WORD WAS "SYNERGY" GAWDAMMIT!"

So just as I'm heading to the reverse dictionary online, the BAG says "look it up," and I try to wrestle the gun from her hand and shoot her in the head, but as we struggle for possession of the firearm, the page loads.

So, for the moment, no one dies.

837 bad reverse definitions come up the web page. And they aren't even in alphabetical order, or any other kind of order - they are completely random.

And the BAG says..



"that's not serendipitous"

And since that is the word I have been searching for for over 15 minutes, I'm not sure if I should kiss the biatch or kill her.

I'm a compromiser though. So she got kissed.

Now I'm looking for a relatively remote place with very soft earth.

I think you know what I'm saying.

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