Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Rock Rolls the 7-11

I was going to go to sleep but I must report a classic moment at the 7-11. I go over there to purchase some certain legal items that I can, by means of chemistry, turn into something like diet items (Oh, you all know!) and the nice Persian dude behind the counter looks at my shirt and says, "those are some pretty girls."

You see the freaking picture from my shirt and it's the New York Dolls 20 years AFTER they could try to carry off the 'dressing like chicks' thing.

I don't guess the guy is Muslim, but if he is, he won't be too picky about his virgins in heaven.

Good god.. the 60 year old Dolls!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    woo woo woo! you are a complete idiot!
