Monday, October 23, 2006

Stupidity and Online Education

So, the folks at my "Just Barely Accredited Master's Degree Program" have an online, and intensive program dedicated to making learning easy for the students. Which is why my instructor has a syllabus which asks me to read two books. You can see what those two fine books over there on the graphic on the right. Each of the two books seems finer than the other and I have no doubt that the many cultures of the United States will never sparkle brighter for me after I have read these two books. Then, again, there are the books the bookstore provided. As a visual learner myself (I like to believe that this learning style explains my prediliction for online porn) I have included a graphic of those books (over there on the other left). Most beautifully? Our very first reading assignment is from the textbook that our bookstore has refused to sell us.

I suspect some kind of conflict in the canon.

Then there's also the fact these guys always want info from us but.. well ... when they ask us to provide feeback on our classes you get the lovely window to the original left. They want us to register for yet another of their sites and the registration ID I have already set up to get on eCollege (which thoroughly sucks, even compared to WebCT) won't work. Neither will the registration ID I set up for their student "portal."

Can't someone over there in IS set up a shared database of passwords? My freaking bank isn't this paranoid.

The designers here suck...

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