Sunday, September 03, 2006


Over at Reassigned Time the hostess is talking about how insidious isolation is and how endemic it is to academia.
See, this is the thing: this profession is pretty universally isolating. In part, we have to isolate ourselves in order to do our jobs. Grading is not social. Research is not social. Service commitments infringe on our weekends and evenings.
First off, that's a pity party. Get out more.

Second, academia allows more contact with people than most jobs do (work in an office? Same people every day till you die). You have a steady stream of students and adjuncts passing through, you have summers off if you want them, you have free access to the lovely intarwebs. Get a grip.

Third, isn't that what the liquor is for? To make the isolation endurable, even lovely? And to ensure that it will continue? ;-)

Off to the bar!

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