Saturday, July 15, 2006

Work Week from beyond Heck

So when you take a Monday off and still get an email early Monday morning saying that you need to meet with (certain faculty members) and RIGHT NOW ON THIS DAY(!) but then (certain faculty members) don't bother catching up with you until 4:15 on Tuesday (for a meeting that was scheduled at 3:30) you perhaps have an inkling it isn't going to be your week.

And when they tell you they need a presentation folder, 4-color, full-bleed, designed, layed out, printed and die-cut and ready to go in two weeks, you know you are in trouble. And when you finally sit down with (certain faculty members) and they have no photos, no text, no input of any kind, well.. then you don't know what to do.

This was that week. Fortunately one of (those faculty members) turned out NOT to be a faculty member and thus understood that "product" (as we call it in the biz) comes as a result of "work" (as we call it in the biz) and in order to "work" on "something," you must have that "something" handy. And this lovely person showed up every day this week and worked, and was only late once, and that time it was because she was being driven by (a certain faculty member). So we worked and worked and worked. I spent long nights sorting through stock photos and actually spent half a day gallivanting all around the greater metrop0litan area taking photographs of educational instutions and businesses. The first night I spent til about 10:30 sorting through online stock footage. On two days I was up at 4:30 in the morning and at the computer, pounding out succesive versions of the thing. On the day I was driving all around the greater metropolis, the general theme hit me of the thing hit me, "The World Begins Here"/"Home away from Home" and from that the highly efficient (woman who is not a faculty member) and I hammered out five concepts that would go into the piece and we were more or less away on design.

By the continued miracle of the woman (who is not faculty) and with the help of my boss Mike(cromanager) who had some really pretty good input, we got the thing to the designer on Friday about 2. It was a complete grind of a week, and all normal work went by the wayside, but we got the thing done and Mike(cromanager) let me take some of my comp time off to fly to the hills.

With grainy eyes, a mighty headache, and a generalized feeling of ill-will towards any tiny, furry critters that I might see trying to sneak across the road in front of the lesSUV, I am off and up those damned hills, to camp with the BAG.

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