Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rome in the Rearview

We woke up at 4 on our last day a quick kiss goodbye from my mom and within moments the driving service was whisking us through the entirely empty streets of Rome. We felt a bit sad and just kind of sat in the back seat holding hands, watching the empty streets and buildings whiz by. The driving service guy sped like an insane maniac and utterly ignored lanes. None of which was the slightest concern, since we were the only ones on the road.

A long line at the airport and then on to Amsterdam where I rented some wireless time so the BAG could send an email to an address her brother no longer uses. This email was asking him to pick us up. Oops. A long boring plane ride and then we landed in SFO, took BART (I had completely forgotten in runs all the way to the airport) to Hayward, then down to San Jose and sleep.

Rome was over.

By Saturday night, I had my traditional "welcome home" illness, and was in bed until Tuesday. I sorted photos, burned DVDs and stayed close the the bathroom. Aaaaaaah. Home again.

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