Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Beewon the rest of us Zero • More Wedding pics with Character Assasination included •

The Beewon Guest House may be the best travel deal I've ever come across. I have a slightly dingy room for only 30 dollars a night. By dingy I mean smallish, and not at all decorated. The wallpaper is second rate. But this is my second stay here and it is clean and quiet, has air conditioning, a washer, a kitchen, and a wireless network. There is a small refrigerator in my room as well as a television. If I could rent a room like this in San Jose I'd probably live in it.

The staff doesn't have great English and I have very limited Korean, but when I forgot my electrical adapter we were able to communicate enough to get me pointed to the right store.

I'd never bring my mother here ;-)

but I will return.

Holy Crap, I just channeled McArthur!

The Ham dinner with "year-long marinated ammonia fish" pointed out for your enjoyment.

Ed "Bogie" Park

Moms walk in, where angels fear to tread.

Satan follows! My favorite part is how the stewardess on the right is checking out Ed's muscular ass.

Lighting of the Candles (Other mom also did this and, no, I have no idea what it means)

Exeunt all, stage left, covered in confetti

The room prepared for the traditional ceremony

Jae enters

Ritual Obesiance.

Macbeth Sisters look on from stage left

An envelope drops... and that thing in front actually is a watermelon

Some part of the ceremony I don't understand


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