Sunday, May 21, 2006

Out of Order? You're all Goddamned out of Order!

My computer is locked up in Ed's room and this sack of shit computer in my room couldn't handle Pong if you added RAM and a real monitor. It's 7 in the morning in Korea and we had the "pre-game" festivities last night.

That means I'm hung over. I don't understand.. I outweigh every Korean who was in the room last night by 50 lbs but I know that that the wretched swine will be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when I see them this morning. I took copious notes last night, and one of the boys took copious pictures I hope to get my hands on today.

I was beaten up by an old woman.

I ate something Ed called fish that was "marinated in a bad way" (I can't believe a Korean said something like that about marination). I'm not sure that's a fair analysis because, after all, who doesn't like fish that tastes as though it had been soaked in ammonia?

I was the belle of the ball.

I "earned" $200 and then gave it back (that would be convenient right at this moment for a hooker or a western breakfast... actually, bugger the inscrutable swine... breakfast eaten off of the stomcach of a hooker....

This morning we will be off to get Ed made up and to the wedding. There is the promise of an afternoon off. Jae says there is a PC Bang right next door and if so there will be pictures.

For now I can only look out my window at the early morning smog which obscures the Sun and feel the White Man's burden..

It feels like a hangover...

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