Thursday, March 09, 2006

Blogging Against Sexism? How dumb is that?

Really, this is just as stoopid as the folks on Liberal SF ("Streetfighter" to them "Science Fiction" to me) and their eternal leftist circle-jerk.

Lest anyone misunderstand, I agree with about every position on LSF (I'm not so keen on veganism and that silly ignorance of my tooth structure and digestive system) and I'm opposed to sexism although I'm not sure I can reasonably define it in all cases. In fact, I'm pretty much of a commie libtard and proud of it.

But getting like-minded internet friends to join metaphorical hands and sing "Kumbaya" is idiotic.

What does it do? It organizes idiot loners to make their idiot loner posts. You don't see right-wingers doing useless sh*t like this unless it is to raise money, purchase a senator (or, to be fair, congressperson) and alter some just law towards the dark side.

The site I linked at the top of this post, tells (in poorly written prose) you what to do, why the date was chosen, and gives topics for discussion. But it never even hints at what this might accomplish, presumably because the site accepts it will accomplish nothing; nor does the site contemplate any action other than the writing.

Weak sauce.. for the goose or gander.


  1. Anonymous1:50 AM

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  2. Anonymous4:24 PM

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  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

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