Tuesday, March 14, 2006

3 Rules for Online Education

1) Please make your portal work - that is, the username and password you send out should actually allow a student entry. And why would you have separate passwords for separate parts of your site?

2) Don't make your portal browser specific. I would think the guys in marketing would help you with this one.

3) Have more than one caffeine stressed chimp on your help-line. It isn't a help line if you can't get through to a human.

I got my schedule and I begin with fiction writing. This seems odd to me. I'd rather have eased my way in with some critical stuff, but if I am to finish in a hurry there is no other way. I've been dusting unlikely adverbs and adjectives off for most of the day and practicing using them in threes, as academia demands.

I will be prepared!

1 comment:

  1. The Chinese language and character system is central to East Asian thought.

    Web-enabled learning of foreign languages is going to be a key aspect of this century.

