Tuesday, February 14, 2006

OK.. so if I Were a Parent I Might be Concerned

I'm on Google looking for sound clips to use in a DVD I'm making for a friend. So I do a search for "birthday sound clips" and I get something quite understandable:

but that doesn't quite get me what I want, so I narrow the search down just a bit and do a search for "cartoon birthday sound clips" because I want some Deputy Dawg, some Bugs Bunny, or some Elmer Fudd. To my dismay, the closest thing I get is "Spiderman Hentai" but that's about the best of it. Here's a screenshot:

Holy Canoli Batman! I just got anal sex, midget hardcore, and public fingering! All fine in their time and place, I suppose, and possibly even together, but not in a search for anything having to do with cartoons or birthdays. If I were a mom and came across this "feature" I'd flip my wig.

So, in an effort to clean things up, and focus even more, I added "Simpsons" to the mix. You know, that wholesome cartoon family that pokes good-hearted fun and the foibles of the American Family and Homocidal Corporat Capitalism? And I I got this:

I uh.. I'm not sure what to say...

except I've lost my interest in sound clips for the moment....

and I can see why a mom would be pissed.

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