Tuesday, February 28, 2006

O God.. even worse ads..

so I'm an old sack of fuck..

And I'd like to look younger (but not, you know, have to diet, or work out, or anything)

I think we've all considered the question:

but this advert is an insult to anyone's intelligence (and it ran in the online Washington Post where, presumably people are critical thinkers of some kind). It's for something called hydroderm and here are the before and after pictures which reveal that hydroderm does much more than merely reduce the visible signs of aging:

Holy Cow! Hydroderm eliminates red-eye while it increases eyebrow bushiness and definition. And looky there - it also drastically increases how much you open your eye and the size of the registration point.. oh.. that's because it MAKES YOUR WHOLE EYE BIGGER! I'm not so old I can't see you made him open his eye more, photoshopped out the redeye and jacked the levels so high that an 8 pound facial tumor wouldn't look like a mole... shit.. you gave old man river more eyebrow!

I ordered some, so I'll tell you how it all works out...

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