Friday, February 17, 2006

More on Online Scams - How can People be so Foolish?

And I mean the scammers.. they go to all the trouble to develop a site that looks pretty much like the Wells Fargo site (I know because I'm not just an internet supergenious, but I'm also a customer). It starts with a page that is a dead ringer for the Wells Fargo site, if you don't notice the whacked out URL:

The site also has a realistic looking second page harvesting ATM numbers (any old password will get you there):

But the whole thing is ruined by the "sender" of the email who is listed as Wells Frago Staff.

Now come on, you've got to try harder than that. Misspelling Wells Fargo isn't going to avoid you any jail time if you get caught is it? I wonder if this is some kind of workaround for Spam-filters? If so, what does Wells Fargo do? Anyway, the text of the email is also poorly written:
Wells Fargo is constantly working to increase security for all Online Banking users. To ensure the integrity of our online payment system, we periodically review accounts.

Your account might be place on restricted status. Restricted accounts continue to receive payments, but they are limited in their ability to send or withdraw funds.

To lift up this restriction, you need to login into your account (with your username or SSN and your password), then you have to complete our verification process. You must confirm your credit card details and your billing information as well. All restricted accounts have their billing information unconfirmed, meaning that you may no longer send money from your account until you have updated your billing information on file.
To initiate the billing update confirmation process, please follow the link bellow and fill in the necessary fields:

Who gets fooled by something like that?

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