Sunday, December 04, 2005

Songs I Can't Sing the Chorus To (On my iPod)

A short list and the complete list is probably dominated by Liz Phair. ;-)

These are pop-ish songs I truly love, but when I play "sing-along" I run the risk of having my co-workers call security. And I'm not talking "Cold Hard Bitch" by Jet.. I'm talking songs that are by nature obscene or make me sound like I'm about to go rent a postal uniform and an UZI

"Give Me Your Hot White Cum" Liz Phair
"Fuck and Run" Liz Phair
"Fuck You" Whole Wheat Bread
"That's When I Reach for My Revolver" Gang of Four
"Homocide" 999

A short list... but what I have off the top of my head.....

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