Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Most guidebooks don't cover it, but one 'event' you will likely come across in Seoul is the forced extrusion of your own intestines.

The illness that struck me (from the waist down) and struck Ed (from the waist up) decided that the POSSLQ was small enough to hit from both sides. At about 6 this morning she lept out of bed (an unlikelihood at most times, given her extreme laziness) and shot into the bathroom where, semi-beknownst to me, she sat on our excellently technological toilet for about 45 minutes. It occurs to me that Koreans have excellent toilets because the food they routinely eat means they require them.

POSSLQ then took a soothing bath and had a refreshing bout of vomiting. This was followed by some of Ed's symptoms, chills and lightheadedness, though strangely, no more lying than normal. A brief effort at having some water ended in tragedy, and we are now sitting around monitoring symptoms to determine if we can safely move across town or not. She seems slightly improved, so it may be a go.

And it was. Yvonne removed her change from the safe - she re-opened the safe last evening to put all her US currency change in it. I think she underestimates the cunning of the local criminal classes who would probably steal wet towels and dust bunnies before they would take her $1.23 in assorted coins.

Ed and Jae had social commitments so Yvonne and I spent the day at the flat. She rolled about in pain and vomited randomly. I read.

Recent (1850 on) Korean history is pretty much a story of betrayals and oppressions and the whole country is, in one way of looking at it, in a permanent state of "1.5" status, always stuck between its 'natural' culture and some monolithic and invasive culture on the other side (Japan, US, Russia).

Interesting because it has some literary implications that I will have to discuss with Ed when we are safely back in the bosom of democracy. But for now it is time for more beer as the final Monday Night Football has just come on the Armed Forces Network and I would be some kind of commie if I didn't give props!

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