Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Reflections on the CA Election

• You have to love San Francisco - the only county that voted for re-regulated power! Can you even see that little dot of blue there by the bay? LMAO

• What the Hell is up with Imperial County? Radically right on abortion reporting (68%) but radically left on teacher tenure (63%). Relatively left (for booniedom) on union rights (59%) and the only county in the state to vote for drug rebates (the only county to go yes on 78 at 53% and one of three to go yes on 79 at 51%). I'd love to go down there and talk to the voters. That's just a weird pattern!

• But mainly, what a pounding for Arnie.

• Listening (radio) to Warren Beatty campaign against Arnie? I can barely believe the guy is an actor. He can't speak without hemming and hawing and if he's the Democratic candidate next election? They are doomed. Arnie can't really speak English and he's head and shoulders above Beatty as a speaker.

* It was interesting to watch the counties come in. LA and Alameda were the last "liberal" ones out, and they were out to the very end. San Diego and Orange stayed out for a while, but once Orange came in (and at around 75% of all ballots in their votes shrank margins for 73 and 75) it was a walk-away for the Anti-Arnie Army.

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